Saturday, January 1, 2011

Collection horses in movemen

The horse is on the cusp of evolution in nature aesthetics; only comparable to the woman's body and both are a challenge to draw artistically, this attempt to do so, intends to make a tribute ...reminding all of this exhibit's spectators, the importance the horse has had in the service of humanity, and that only this force, in this new culture, one of its virtues, its picture, graphic powers, decorative ease. But the horse is much more than a decoration, his strength, his manhood , his nerve , strength , quickness, intelligence, docility and power of movement, make it a noble and beautiful, symbol for us with the capacity for control without laws. The horse and the eagle, are symbols of a free spirit, copied by us that would give us an interior artwork, a new centaur conqueror of empires astral where there exists the common good, product of self edifying challenge of all. But there is a time when the mechanics of the nature of the horse, that this becomes a picture show. The presentation art and artist show, display and model neighing, prancing, kicking, trotting, gallops, jumps, twists, rehearse new steps and scans the horizon. It displays aesthetic power to move, to call the attention of a female, is their mating ritual: is when I find more drawings, narrating these moments of animal evolution is what I intend with this sample of my work, and I stand by your sovereign plan, they receive criticism and self exercise, be an accurate tool for better jobs, my thanks. Hebert Arboleda

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